Transcription: I'm not a fan of the game. I'm a fan of the game. This is a lot, a lot, a lot like the girlfriend. No, no, it's not going to happen. It's not going to happen. We'll see if it's going to happen. It's a bit hard. It's a bit hard. What about us? What about us? We're not that bad. We're not that bad. We're not bad. We're not bad. We're not bad. We're not bad. Yes, the gold for the year. It's the celebration. Yes, it's the celebration. But no, it's not my birthday. It's the gold for the year. What? No, no, I don't know. No, no, I'm not going to be able to go up to the pier. What do you mean? You're ...
-=AbdelMix 1993=-
mod (ProTracker MOD (6CHN))
Fast Tracker 6CHN
Ik kom terug met nieuwe muziek om je oren te eklateren !!! After a long time sle eping Type1 is back !! ---------------------- Dis muziek will be in cluded in our album : -Back to The Return- The FLamoots II +Fort que jamais et finalis. pour la rent r.e Acad.mique 1993... ---------------------- Finalement notre ami Abdel aura eu une sou ndtrack pour lui tout seul !!! La seule de l'album en plus !!! ---------------------- Kukoo2 will be ready soon with FULL source code !!! D/L it !!! ---------------------- Grosse bise a tous les Flamands-Wallons ci-contre: Fred-Sam- Kawa-Aldo-Abdel... Keskon a bien rigoley tous ensembles bande de slaches!!!TFL 1993